New Quality Certification for the PRE Stud Book.

The PRE Stud Book Quality Certification has been updated, once the annual auditing process was concluded by AENOR, the certification agency that certifies the services that ANCCE, through the PRE Stud Book office, offers breeders.  
Consistently since 2010, the result of the aforementioned audit has been “Satisfactory Assessment”. Thus, our Quality Certification has been renewed for another exercise.   
In essence, this process seeks to verify the degree to which the management system meets auditing criteria; it also assesses the ability to meet legal requirements and the applicable rules, as well as to assess the degree of efficiency. Furthermore, it strives to identify possible areas of improvement.     
Among the conclusions of the auditing reports, the maturity of the management system implemented by the PRE Stud Book was underscored, in addition to its adequate implementation of the activities carried out in keeping with the requirements established by UNE EN ISO 9001:2008 Standards. Other strong points detected by AENOR include customer satisfaction, the IT application and the internal observance of deadlines when executing services.  
Year after year, the LG PRE Stud Book administration has increased its quality, efficiency and reliability indexes to become a reference for other equine breeds.