Meeting planned with German Breeders has had to be postponed

Dear Breeders, 
We are sorry to inform that the meeting planned with German Breeders has had to be postponed due to the fact that the dates coincide with the EuroShop Trade Fair in Düsseldorf.  All hotels in the area have been booked, there are virtually not meeting rooms available, and flight tickets are either inexistent or extremely expensive. Thus, we will have to postpone not only this meeting but also the one planned in Munich.
Our hope is to hold these meetings as soon as possible after EQUITANA; the idea would be to meet in March or April.  We are looking for dates, as the celebration of several events in March in Dusseldorf have complicated the matter. 
In short, we will provide you with the final dates and locations. 
We apologize for any inconveniences caused.