PRE Horse now recognized by the United States Equestrian Federation.

After many years of waiting, USPRE has now been granted Alliance Partner Status with the United States Equestrian Federation, the authoritative body of all horse sports in America. The PRE Horse is now a recognized breed group in the American Federation. Up to now, USEF only recognized the "Andalusian", with no distinction for the PRE Horse. In 2010, ANCCE representatives traveled to Kentucky to meet with USEF officials to formally request recognition for our horse, which is represented by a significant and growing community of breeders and owners in the United States. This application was revoked last year due to changes in the Affiliated Association Status criteria.
This past summer, USPRE was invited to re-apply on behalf of the PRE Horse. Executive Director Joan Mack re-submitted the application and provided USEF with the many documents they required, including the USPRE incorporation papers, membership list, bylaws, and tax reporting. We have just now been informed of our new Alliance Partner Status. An Alliance Partner is a breed association that is governed by an authority other than USEF--in the case of USPRE, by Spain--but which seeks collaboration and inclusion in all of the horse sports and programs offered by USEF.
From now on, PRE horses competing in any of the equestrian disciplines--including reining, driving, eventing, jumping, and dressage-- may be identified as PREs, with year-end rankings reflecting the breed association as well.
With our new status, we receive marketing and news venues not open to us in the past, and links to our site on the site. Additionally, USEF will allow USPRE to use its rules for any non-ANCCE classes in breed shows, and those results will be tallied and ranked nationally by the Federation.