LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book Quality Certification Renewal

For the 12th consecutive year, the PRE ANCCE Stud Book has maintained its quality certification, thus increasing its efficiency and reliability as it is a reference model for other equine breeds.
This past 30th of April, AENOR International proceeded with its annual LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book follow-up audit. Thanks to this, we have maintained, and for the 12th consecutive year, our Quality Management Certification in keeping with UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standards.
The Quality Management System implemented complies with all requirements and other auditing criteria (legal requirements, legislation, customer requirements, and our own internal management criteria) while being considered by the auditing team to be effectively and efficiently implemented with a high degree of consolidation and maturity. The scope of the certification covers both the services provided to PRE horse breeders/owners through the PRE Stud Book Office, as well as genetic analyses performed by ANCCE’s Purebred Spanish Horse Molecular Laboratory and for the second consecutive year.
Continuously since 2010, the final results of the aforementioned audit has been “Approved Assessment”, with which our Certification has been renewed for yet another year, as well as our full commitment with quality to provide breeders/owners with the best possible services for their Purebred Spanish Horses wherever they are located.