Invoices for LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book services are now available from both our website and the mobile app

Since the beginning of this year (2022), we have a new invoicing tool that is much more agile and versatile. Among other applicable improvements, invoices may be issued in PDF and exported to each breeder's private zone.
The most recent updates—both our web site and the mobile application—allow you to automatically link to this function, so you, as a breeder, may easily consult and download a PDF copy of the invoice for all those services that you have paid LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book office for. With this in mind, a new tab has been created: "Copy of Invoices”. Just go the Private Zone, click on the new tab and you will be able to see the document and download it.
You may use this new procedure to access invoices as of January 2022; invoices are available on this platform for a maximum of fourteen (14) months. Prior to these dates, you will need to contact the LG PRE Stud Book accounting department; just send an email to
In addition to this new process, and as has been customary, you will continue to receive paper invoices.
We hope that these new improvements are useful!
NOTE: This new function IS NOT available to international breeders who pay through their collaborating international association.