ANCCE opens a Solidarity Account to help people affected by the flood in Valencia


Breeders, enthusiasts, businesses and organization in the equestrian sector may donate to help the flood victims and collaborate with repairing the damages.

ANCCE has created a solidarity account to help all those affected by the flooding that has greatly damaged the Region of Valencia in Spain. This initiative allows breeders, enthusiasts, businesses and organizations within the equestrian sector to send in donations. These donations will be turned over in full to Cáritas (Charity) to provide aid the victims and collaborate in restoring those areas affected by the weather incident. 

The Solidarity Account is now up and running thanks to the initial deposit made by ANCCE.  Anyone who is interested in contributing to this cause may donate to the following account number.  

ANCCE Solidarity Account for Flood victims:
ES46 3187 0812 8252 7641 6525 (Caja Rural del Sur)

International bank transfers:


ANCCE greatly appreciates all contributions to this cause. Each donation represents crucial help for the victims and a step forward in recuperating the area.