Ancce launches a new measure that will benefit full-fledged members, with a special post-deadline inscription rate [17/08/2015]
2015 Revision for Basic Aptitude as Breeding Stock in the Sweden to be held in September. [13/08/2015]
2015 Revision for Basic Aptitude as Breeding Stock in the United States to be held in September [13/08/2015]
Nueva Orden por la que se Regula el Traslado de los Équidos y el Enterramiento de los Ejemplares Fallecidos en Andalucía. [12/05/2015]
Important Information For Breeders In Germany: All PRE Stud Book Services handled from Spain. [06/05/2015]
2015 Revision for Basic Aptitude as Breeding Stock in the United Kingdom to be held on May 25 [04/05/2015]
Service Payments to The PRE Stud Book Office will be to The Banco Santander (Bank) as of May 18, 2015. [21/04/2015]