Reminder: data to be included on covering (breeding) / birth certificates

Breeders are reminded that it is important to correctly include all data and information required on the covering (breeding) /birth certificate when sending in the horse registration form to the LG PRE Stud Book:
In the section "BREEDING DETAILS": be sure to indicate the covering (breeding) date, type of covering (breeding), signed by both the full name of both breeders and ID number below the signatures.
In the section "BIRTH DETAILS": be sure to include the name of the foal, sex, coat color, date of birth REGA (farm code) at the time of birth. This latter is considered an essential identifying data, and is crucial that this information be provided correctly and accurately by the breeder (the REGA Code information is only essential for breeders/stud farms located in Spain). In such case that the covering (breeding) certificate lacks the "REGA code at birth” field (being that it is a newly incorporated field on the document), please provide the authorized vet with this number. The same holds true regarding the microchip and UELN.
- Should you need to fill out the section “NOTIFICATION OF PROGENY OWNERSHIP TRANSFER”, all essential information regarding the purchasing breeder and the correct signatures in each section shall be provided, indicating the full name and ID under each signature.
Should a doubt arise, please contact the main LG PRE Stud Book office or your authorized veterinarian.