The PRE Stud Book and Molecular Genetics Laboratory Renew their Quality Certification


At the onset of March, auditors performed the annual certification follow-up of the PRE ANCCE Stud Book Quality Management System. This latest review verified both the implementation of and compliance with specific UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 requirements, as done consecutively since 2010.

The review and verification process was carried out by AENOR INTERNACIONAL, S.A.U., resulting in “Assessment Satisfied” which renews the Quality Certification for another year. This ratifies the correct and effective establishment of the Quality System, both for the PRE Stud Book and the activities carried out by the Molecular Genetics Lab.

The auditing team underscored the “elevated maturity of the Quality Management System to comply with the applicable requirements of the Certification, the response times for the various services, and the level of digitalization and computerization achieved."

Having this certification reinforces the continued improvements of the management systems and internal processes while positively increasing the operational capacity to satisfy the needs and expectations demanded by PRE Breeders, which, in turn, guarantees a quality service.