PRE breeders can now send photos of their horses to the PRE Stud Book to appear on the web-site

All Purebred Spanish Horse breeders can send photos of their horses to the LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book so that these are displayed in the open section of the PRE Stud Book web-site.
Photos may be sent to the Stud Book from the private zone by selecting the option “photos of your horses.” Then, select the picture of the horse you want to send by clicking on the file, where that picture has been stored in your computer.
Photos must be sent in jpeg format with the maximum file size of 4Mb and a minimum resolution of 800x600 pixels.
All the photos sent will be viewed in each breeder’s private area. Once reviewed by the main LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book office, approved photos will then be uploaded onto the web-site and accessible to any user. Due to this, it is extremely important that the breeders pay particular attention to the quality of the pictures sent.
The LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book office accepts no responsibility for the ownership and subsequent use of the images sent. This responsibility lies entirely with the owner of the stud farm sending the photos and anyone who uses them.