The ANCCE Molecular Genetics Laboratory granted ENAC ISO 17.025 accreditation


ANCCE is committed to improvement; therefore, it launched its own molecular genetics laboratory to attain the highest possible levels of quality. There is a growing demand for increased service quality on behalf of breeders and this means that we must comply with their expectations when processing the registration services provided.

To prove both this quality and its technical competence, in terms of lab work, the first step is to include all laboratory processes within UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 Quality Certification Standards, which was already implemented by the LG ANCCE Stud Book office. However, the PRE Stud Book office wanted to go even further, so we decided to seek ENAC accreditation for the ANCCE Molecular Genetics Lab, based on UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standards: “General Requirements for the Proficiency of Testing and Calibration Laboratories,” and were well aware of the challenge this undertaking would bring.

ENAC, the National Accreditation Body, is an organization designated by the government of Spain as the only national entity that complies with international standards and follows the policies established by the European Union. Such accreditation bodies, as is the case of ENAC in Spain, are in charge of verifying, by means of independent and objective assessments (audits), the competency of a given laboratory to obtain the confidence of both general users and Public Administrations.


This is why we are proud to announce that the ANCCE molecular genetics lab has earned ENAC accreditation in keeping with international UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025 standards; said standard is recognized and used to assess laboratories and guarantee their quality and technical competencies. This accreditation commits the lab to comply with all of the points listed in the standard, thus guaranteeing that all procedures performed are carried out using criteria of effectiveness, competence and objectivity. Likewise, it certified that the lab has adequate staff, is in control of equipment and that the analytical procedures are carried out using valid methods, thus guaranteeing the capacity, maximum technical competency, rigor and reliability of the results. After this initial ENAC accreditation, a strict assessment process is maintained over time with follow-up, extension and re-assessment audits.

Equally, we are satisfied to be included in the short list of accredited labs for the “identification of genetic profiles, ID verification and filiation control by means of microsatellite analysis (STRs) and AME markers using PCR and capillary electrophoresis" in equines. Said tests are used for ID registration services, the resolution of incompatibilities, verification of ID and the renovation of documentation. Moreover, the ANCCE lab has been constituted as the first and only lab to be accredited for the “Analysis of genetic markers involved in equine coat colors.”

This accreditation, with the backing of ENAC, places our analytical laboratory at the forefront to guarantee services with the highest quality standards.