2017 TQB Calendar

2017 TQB Calendar now Available on The Ancce Website
The first TQB will be held in Barcelona, on the 23rd and 24th of May
Purebred Spanish Horse breeders wanting to participate in the official performance controls within the scope of the PRE Breeding Program and improvement plans may now do so at any of the national or international Tribunals for Qualified Breeding Stock (TQB or TCR in Spanish).  Horses are assessed and as may be the case registered as Qualified Breeding Stock in the PRE Stud Book.  Venues are listed below:
National TQB: 
Barcelona: May 23-24 
Segovia: July 6-7 
Jerez de la Frontera: September 13-14
International TQB: 
USA: June 20-24
The ANCCE website (www.ancce.com), in the section TQB, provides the Rules & Regulations, information and all necessary documentation to participate.  There is also a list of already qualified horses.