New Quality Guarantee for Stud Book Management.

The National PRE Breeders’ Association of Spain has renewed the PRE Stud Book quality certificate according to UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 standard by means of an annual audit. 
The follow-up audit was performed at the beginning of May.  Once the complete assessment process had concluded, AENOR, the Certification Body, granted our suitability for a fifth consecutive year, thus guaranteeing compliance with the PRE Stud Book Quality Management System.   
In the conclusion report about compliance with the objectives of the audit and the efficiency of the management system, the most outstanding points were customer satisfaction and compliance with the timeline established for the processing of services.   Both of these areas earned averages that were above the average achieved by companies in the same sector.  Other strong points worthy of mention are the continual advances in management tools and our own registers.  
Achieving this certification recognizes the daily efforts and commitment with quality and the continual upgrading that ANCCE has systematically maintained. This translates in greater efficiency and improvements in the services provided to breeders of Purebred Spanish Horses all over the world.