Supreme Court rejects judicial review presented by UCCE and sentences them to pay court costs


The Supreme Court has rejected the judicial review presented by UCCE (Union of Spanish Horse Breeders) against the High Court ruling announced in Madrid on July 20, 2107, which confirmed the Ministry of Agriculture resolution refusing to grant the UCCE any official recognition to handle the Purebred Spanish Horse Stud Book.

The Supreme Court based its refusal to accept the appeal on “the failure to comply with the mandates of Article 89.2 of the Law for Administrative-contentious Jurisdiction and more specifically, section d) of said Article, in the application of the dispositions of Article 90.4.b) of that same legal text, as said organization failed to sufficiently justify, in the preparation presentation, that the infringements ascribed to the ruling were relevant and decisive for the decision adopted by the High Court. And being that it is a controversy that is eminently factual by nature, which questions the assessment presented by the initial evidence.”