Post-deadline Registration Prices Extended.



We are well aware of the economic difficulties that many breeders are suffering.  In the light of requests made by breeders and regional and international associations, the PRE Stud Book Office has decided to continue the current prices when registering (inscribing) past-deadline foals (75 euros/foal).  This bargain price will be applicable until September 30th.  As of that date, there will be no further grace periods or extensions for the registration price of a foal;  as of that date, the price will be 125 euros/foal
Remember that according to the corrent legislation of foals must be registered with the Stud Book within the timeframe indicated below: 
• Foals born between January 1 and June 31: before December 31 of the year of birth.
• Foals born between July 1 and December 31: before the foal reaches six (6) months of age.  
Therefore, all foals that are registered (inscribed) after the deadline and that have been previously registered with the corresponding Regional Registration Office and have an Equine ID number, may request registration (inscription) in the PRE Stud Book at the same price (75 euros) until September 30, 2013.  