Important Notice: Assignment of Letters



As has been customary for some time now, there are many breeders who name their horses with letters, placing these letters before or after the actual name of the horse, with which, they identify their stud farm, thus indicating who bred the horse. 


Recently, there have been some problems due to the use of the same letters by different breeders and the subsequent confusion.


For this reason, the LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book office would like to standardize this practice.  From now on, and until the 31st of January, 2012, all LG PRE ANCCE breeders who would like to request the assignment of a group of letters for exclusive use on their horses may do so.  These letters or group of letters will then be unique for each breeder and not used by any other. (Please download and use the Request Form for letters; it can be found on the LG PRE ANCCE web-site in the documentation section).


Each stud farm registered with the LG PRE ANCCE may request, in order of preference, five (5) groups of letters made up of two (2) or three (3) letters in order of preference.  These letters must not form a meaningful word nor be or a Roman numeral. In this way, if the first group of letters you are requesting has already been assigned to another breeder or may not be assigned because it forms a Roman numeral or meaningful word, we will be able to assign you the second on your request and that meets your requirements.


With the deadline, on the 31st of January 2012, the LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book office will study all the cases and assign groups of letters to each breeder. Should various breeders request the same groups of letters, preference will be given to that breeder who first used these letters on a horse bred by that stud farm; in other words, based on the date of birth of the horse. As of the assignment date, that breeder will be able to use the letter/s exclusively.


If several breeders request the same group of letters, and said letters have not been used previously by anyone or who usually used such letters failed to request them, preference will be given to the breeder who first presents the request form before the PRE Stud Book office. 


Once the groups of letters have been assigned for the exclusive use of each breeder, the list will be published.  The date from which said groups of letters may be used exclusively by the breeder will be determined.


As of the 31st of January 2012, new breeders or those breeders who have not made their request during this initial process, will, at any time, be able to request this group of letters.  Remember that under no circumstances will it be possible to assign groups of letters that have already been granted previous to a breeder.


Breeders using groups of letters to name horses bred at their stud farm, which form a word, or that fail to conform with the requirements to be assigned for exclusive use (for example, a group of letters being used by a breeder with more than 3 letters) may continue to do so, but they must bear in mind that any other stud farm could also use them. These may continue to be used, but they will no longer be exclusive to a given breeder/stud farm.