Next Basic Evaluation in Germany 2011.

The LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book main office is organizing the next Basic Evaluation for Reproduction in Germany, which will take place soon.
In order to apply for the Basic Evaluation of your horses you must send to the LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book main office in Seville the Application for Service for foreign Stud Farms properly filled in.
Besides, you must make the payment (with Visa or Mastercard) for the 206 service through our website at (please allow pop ups and deactivate the antivirus before attempting to make the payment) before September the 30th
Please remember in order to be able to present a horse to the Basic Evaluation this horse must be previously put to the name of the breeder who is applying for the service. Also the breeder must bring the passport of the horse when the Evaluation takes place.
The horses allowed to be presented to the Basic Evaluation this year are those ones who were born on or before the year 2008.