The LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book and the PRE Molecular Genetics Laboratory become Quality References

This past January, the PRE Stud Book (LG PRE ANCCE) underwent a renewal audit carried out by AENOR INTERNACIONAL, S.A.U. Thanks to this, the Stud Book maintained its Quality Certificate based on UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 Standards. This ratifies the correct and efficient implementation of the PRE Stud Book’s quality system, both in terms of PRE Stud Book management and other molecular genetics laboratory activities, which has become one of the important aspects currently held by the LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book office.
Other aspects pointed out by the audit team were the high degree of maturity of the Quality Management System to comply with the Standard’s applicable requirements, response times for the various services and the level of digitalization attained.
Having this certification reinforces the continual improvement in its management and internal processes. It also has a positive effect on the increased capacity of operations to satisfy the needs and expectations demanded by PRE breeders as it guarantees quality services.