2019 Revision for Basic Aptitude as Breeding Stock in Costa Rica to be held in August


The trip to Costa Rica for Revisions for Basic Aptitude as Breeding Stock will be undertaken in August. Moreover, this Revision will also include a Performance Control for Conformation and all horses will be genetically assessed, which means that all breeders participating with their horses will be included in the PRE Breeding Program.

PRE breeders in Costa Rica with horses three (3) years of age and older who would like to request the Revision of their horses should contact the international collaborating association ASOCPRE by calling +506 8304 4988 or by sending an e-mail to asocpre@precostarica.org.

The ASOCPRE web site provides all of the necessary information and documentation.

For queries about other Revisions, consult the PRE Stud Book web site.