In 2018, the PRE Stud Book has registered more than 11,000 horse, and almost 3000 new Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders


Last year, the Purebred Spanish Horse Stud Book (LG PRE ANCCE) registered 11,062 new PRE Horses in its Birth Register (5567 colts and 5495 fillies), which is a 9% increase over 2017. Thus, the breed census as of December 31, 2018 was 245,483 horses (121,678 stallions and 123,805 mares) from 35,527 active stud farms in 66 countries. This, in turn, is a 2.36% with regards to the previous year.

Of the newly incorporated PRE breeders registered, 39% are from outside Spain—mostly from Italy, the USA and Germany. On the other hand, 61% are from Spain, of which 44% are from Andalusia, Madrid, and Castilla y Leon.

In terms of the other services offered by the PRE Stud Book office (LG PRE ANCCE), 4574 assessments as Basic Breeding Stock were carried out. Likewise, there were 9322 changes of ownership (6482 among owners in Spain and 2840 abroad, of which almost 25% were among breeders in the USA, followed by those in Italy (12%) and Mexico (12%).

It is noteworthy to mention assessment trips abroad by official PRE Stud Book veterinarians who visited 25 different countries including Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and Sweden. This shows the excellent results from promotional efforts carried over recent years to make the breed more popular.

Last year, ANCCE and PRE Stud Book representatives participated in trade fairs, conventions, taught training classes for breeders and enthusiasts and held meetings with authorized veterinarians and collaborating international associations to refresh procedures and introduce the latest innovations in management procedures. In March of 2018, the annual training course for international collaborating associations in America was held. That same year, in November, coinciding with the International PRE Trade Fair (SICAB), international collaborating associations in Europe held their annual training course.

The PRE Stud Book office, after the follow-up audit, has maintained its quality certificate which is adapted to the latest changes and version of UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015standards. During this process, a Quality Certificate renovation audit was carried out in keeping with UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standards, which certifies the correct and effective implementation of the quality system. This is renewed backing for the excellent work undertaken and one that has a direct effect on efficiency and the improvement of the services offered by the office to Purebred Spanish breeders the world over.

In 2018 and thanks to the efforts over the past fifteen years of the PRE Breeding Program, the PRE Stud Book office web site published the 146,833 genetic assessments for conformational aptitudes and 13,509 assessments for Dressage. Moreover, the list of the 100 best horses (stallions and mares), based on their genetic index for Dressage and conformation aptitudes, has also been published.

To date, the genetic assessment of 150,770 horses (149,998 for aptitude for conformation and 14,739 for Dressage) has already been published. From the Private Zone of the LG PRE ANCCE stud book web site, breeders may consult and download an Excel file with all of the genetic assessments available for all horses registered in their stud farms. This facilitates the task when mating breeding horses.

Breeders are provided with this valuable information free of charge, as well as all of the data contained in the Purebred Spanish Horse Breeding Stock Catalog. This catalog is an extremely useful tool that contributes to propagating improved PRE genetics. It increases the genetic progress in future generations where improved productivity is needed, thus allowing breeders to have a greater competitive edge, which in turn guarantees business feasibility.