2024 PRE Genetic Assessments Published

Learn all about the traits that a given horse transmits to its progeny thanks to the information currently available on the LG PRE Website and App.
The PRE Breeding Program Management Commission continues with its efforts to publicize the genetic improvements announced on the LG PRE Stud Book website and App. Anyone may consult the genetic information provided for all genetically assessed horses, including the traits that those horses transmit to their offspring.
Remember that these genetic assessments are carried out using phenotypic data obtained from horses at the conformation performance tests (assessment as basic aptitudes as breeding stock) and for Dressage Young Horse Selection Tests. Therefore, it is extremely important that horses participate in these performance tests to genetically evaluate them and increase the reliability of the genetic values obtained.
The genetic assessments for horses participating in the performance tests and their forebears have been published. Horses meeting with the established requirements are eligible for any one of the Genetic Categories contemplated in the PRE Breeding Program. This information will appear in the 2024 PRE Breeding Stock Catalog. Moreover, these horses will be included in the corresponding PRE Stud Book register. Throughout 2024, data from the Functionality Tests at Conformation Competitions will continue to be collected for later incorporation into the PRE Breeding Program.
Having the genetic values of a given horses offers breeders the possibility to select those breeding horses that best interest the stud farm to obtain descendants with specific traits. This, in turn, allows breeders to move forward in the world of genetic selection. At the same time, it is essential to have prior input in terms of the genetic values of the breeding horses chosen, as both parents transmit 50% of the genetic information found in the offspring.