ANCCE leads the way with this Equine Genomic Project 
Venue at Doña Maria Hotel on Wednesday, June 7th at 6 pm in Sevilla
Spain’s Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, by means of a public aid summons for innovative general interest projects undertaken by Working Groups, has granted its support to a ground-breaking EQUIGENOM project. This project will develop an economic, medium density chip to verify parentage, diagnose diseases, detect traits of economic importance, genomic selection among PRE Horses, and develop digital tools to facilitate their usage. 
ANCCE spearheads this project, with the participation of RFEAGAS (Spain’s Royal Federation of Select Farm Breed Associations) and Life Technologies, as beneficiary members, together with the University of Sevilla (represented by university Professor Dr. Mercedes Valera and her team), the University of Cordoba (represented by university Professor Dr. Antonio Molina and his team), together with the firm INNEARA that coordinates the project.Other collaborating bodies include Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation (RFHE), Spain’s Federation of Horse Breeder Associations (FEACC) and the Spanish Society for Equine Breeding (SEDE).
GO EQUIGENOM seeks to develop a medium density chip (array) that facilitates genomic selection of equines in general, and more specifically, Purebred Spanish Horses.  It also strives to detect diseases in their initial stages, verify parentage and detect traits that are of economic importance. 
The information generated by each horse will be available to breeders thanks to a fully digital platform, which will become an extremely valuable tool when making breeding-related decisions. At the same time, it will facilitate knowledge about horses’ state of health, thus providing improved control of progeny while preventing hereditary diseases. 
This project will be presented on Wednesday, the 7th of June at 6 pm in Sevilla, at Hotel Doña Maria. Speakers include representatives benefiting from this project: ANCCE, FEAGAS, and LIFE TECHNOLOGIES, among others. Dr. Mercedes Valera will explain the situation for this type of analysis and the genomic selection of equines throughout the world as well as the importance of these results for GO, not only for Purebred Spanish Horses, but equine species in  general.
Once the presentations conclude, participants, breeders and attendees will be able to exchange ideas, share opinions and knowledge on the hotel terrace. 
This presentation will be broadcast live on both the ANCCE and LG PRE ANCCE websites. 
To attend the venue in person, please register by clicking on the link provided: Registration Form
Venue Agenda: 
Date: Wednesday, June 7th
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Hotel Doña Maria, calle Don Remondo 19 in Seville

European Commission