ANCCE participes in ICAR 2023

The Importance of Genomics in the PRE as a Breed
For the very first time, ICAR 2023 (International Committee for Animal Recording) was held in Spain. Organized by RFEAGAS (Spain’s Royal Federation of Select Farm Breed Associations), the city of Toledo was chosen to host the event from the 22nd to the 26th of May. Not only did ANCCE participate, but it presented the advantages of genomics applied to PRE Horses, GO EQUIGENOM.
The many participating countries listened as ANCCE presented the rewards of implementing genomics to equine species, and more specifically, Purebred Spanish Horses. Genomics will facilitate simultaneously parentage verification, the early diagnosis of hereditary diseases (including those specific to PRE Horses, such as fallen crest, among others), chromosomal disorders, the detection of molecular markers linked to traits of economic importance and the development of genomic selection among PREs.
Once breeders have information for each of their horses and thanks to a fully digital tool that will be user friendly and easy to interpret they will then have an extremely valuable tool when making breeding related decisions. Selection or performance problems may be anticipated, thus avoiding future economic losses; at the same time resources may be fortified to achieve faster and more efficient genetic progress, while reinforcing the quality standards of the PRE Horses for national and international markets. It is all possible thanks to the ANCCE led GO EQUIGENOM, in conjunction with other participating organizations that will facilitate the attainment of the aforementioned objectives.
ICAR 2023
ICAR is an international organization seeking to promote the development and improvement of performance monitoring and genetic assessment of animals the world over by establishing common definitions and standards when measuring traits of economic importance. Among the many participating countries was New Zealand and South Africa. This fact indicates the geographic and cultural diversity of the convention. Likewise, Germany, France and the Netherlands were noteworthy, as these nations provided the largest number of participants, thus indicating their commitment with research and developments within the scope of this event.
ANCCE’s participation at this international venue confirms the relevance of genomics not only for PRE Horses, but for equines in general.