2023 PRE Genetic Assessments Published

LG PRE Stud Book Web Site & App offer knowledge about traits transmitted to progeny
The Purebred Spanish Horse Breeding Program Management Commission continues with its efforts to share the genetic improvements with the world on the LG PRE Stud Book web site and App. These sources provide all of the genetic information for those horses that were genetically tested. Said data is available and accessible to anyone who is interested in consulting the traits that these horses pass on to their descendants.
Genetic assessments are based on the phenotypic data obtained from horses participating in the conformation performance tests (basic aptitudes as breeding stock) and for Dressage (Young Horse Selection Tests or PSCJ from the abbreviation in Spanish) and other Dressage tests. It is important that horses participate in these genetic assessments as it increases the reliability of the genetic values obtained.
The genetic assessments for all horses participating in the performance tests have just been published, as well as those of their forebears. Horses complying with the established requirements may seek any one of the Genetic Categories contemplated in the PRE Breeding Program. Their names are then published in the 2023 Breeding Stock Catalog, in addition to being included in the corresponding LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book register.
Data will continue to be collected throughout 2023 during Functional Tests at Conformation Competitions to later be included in the PRE Breeding Program. As well as Dressage, and in response to breeder interests, work is currently underway to incorporate other disciplines such as Working Equitation and Spanish High School as Purebred Spanish Horses are outstanding in both of these sports. The next step is how this specific functional data are incorporated into the PRE Breeding Program. Likewise, ANCCE is designing a genetic assessment for the breed type, if and when proven reliability is possible.
Knowing a horse’s genetic values facilitates a breeder’s options when it comes to selecting breeding horses that best interest the stud farm to obtain offspring with specific traits. This allows a breeder to move forward with genetic selection. Moreover, it is essential to have prior knowledge of both parents’ genetic values as each transmits 50% of its genetic information to the next generation.