New Incentive to Use Young Recommended Breeding Stock: Free Registration for Descendants in the LG PRE Stud Book

In an effort to continue to promote PRE Breeding Program activities, ANCCE has established a new measure that seeks to promote the use of breeding horses. The idea is to use those horses with the genetic category of Young Recommended Breeding Stock because they need to be tested through their progeny.
Full-fledged members of ANCCE will now be offered the possibility of registering the offspring of Young Recommended Breeding Stock free of charge in the PRE Stud Book. This latest measure is only applicable for Service 103, which is for registrations presented prior to the deadline. Registrations presented after the deadline (Service 127) are not eligible for this offer.
To launch this measure, start by consulting the full list of current Young Recommended Breeding Stock, published in the 2020 and 2021 Breeding Stock Catalogs. Registrations (Service 103 presented on time before the established deadline) of progeny by/out of these breeding horses may be requested throughout 2022 and 2023, and will be free of charge for all Full-fledged members of ANCCE.
Over time, the idea is to continue with this measure. Thus, at the end of each year, the annual list of Young Recommended Breeding Stock will be published and the colts and fillies by/out of these horses may be registered in the PRE Stud Book free of charge.
Consequently, we encourage breeders to test their horses that have earned the genetic category of Young Recommended Breeding Stock by means of their progeny. It is thanks to their descendants that the genetic qualities transmitted to the next generation are verified.
Also, we would like to mention that in recent years, the PRE Breeding Program has, for the most part, focused on Dressage, as this is the discipline with the highest number of PRE participants and it facilitates genetic assessment. It seems that the time is right to include other equestrian disciplines such as Working Equitation and Spanish High School. These two sports expand the marketing possibilities of PRE horses while at the same time offering breeders the opportunity to select those horses that transmit good traits for these disciplines, thus allowing them to breed in keeping with their preferences.
Breeding Programs need to have significant participation of horses in performance tests so that the genetic assessments obtained have maximum reliability. That is why ANCCE calls upon all breeders to participate in the various tests with their horses to collect data for the PRE Breeding Program.